Sunday, May 4, 2008


Well, today has been yet another average, boring, sit at home day. Dad went grocery shopping, when he got home I helped unpack the groceries. That's about all I've done today. It's sad, I know. Heh. Oh well, at least I got to sleep at my aunts on Thursday so this weekend wasn't a total waste. Dad's talking about golfing. Moms eating something. & I'm typing this & talking to João. <3 Interesting much? Heh. I'm so not looking forward to Wednesday. There was a shooting threat at school that's supposed to happen on Wednesday. And leave it to my mom to make me go...Oh well, if I die it's her fault then. I guess it's a good thing I get out earlier than other people though if they do it later in the day. Heh. Anyway, I suppose I'm done here for the day. I'll make a post after school tomorrow.

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