~Character Info. Sheet~
Status: Student.
Name: Adrian Louis.
Age: Nineteen.
Gender: Female.
Faction: None.
Hair: Dark brown.
Eyes: Brown.
Skin: Tan.
Other physical characteristics: Aprox. 5'5", slim yet curvy in the right areas.
Clothing Style: Trendy & revealing to her parents dismay.
Important Misc. Info: She had the choice to either do community service for three months or attend this school to better herself after she was caught shoplifting at a local store. The judge thought it was only fair to let her parents choose for her seeing as they were very respected citizens of the small town they lived in. Of course she thought community service would be easier but her parents decided that maybe she needed more help than that could provide.
Personality: She is very opinionated, and stubborn yet she usually makes her best attempt to keep most of her thoughts inside her head. When she gets mad she tends to occasionally rant in Spanish and use a lot of gestures with her arms and hands. A lot of people find her a bit too outrageous but that was only to be expected in the small town she lived in.
History: Her parents separated shortly after her run in with the law. They thought maybe they would be able to handle her better on their own but things only got tougher which was when they made the decision to send her to the school.

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